He’s really freaking out about the party on Opening Day Eve!
Let's take a look.
Order the Opening Day BookCincinnati celebrated the 150th anniversary of the Cincinnati Red Stockings in 2019! Read Randy Freking's history of every Reds Opening Day. The hoopla indeed started with a parade!
Order by emailing [email protected] - or order on Amazon. |
Freaking Out About Cincinnati’s Opening DayListen to Freaking Out About Cincinnati’s Opening Day with Randy Freking. The podcast about the history and celebrations of Cincinnati’s most revered non-religious holiday, although some may debate that qualifier. Cincinnatians have been celebrating the Opening Day of Cincinnati Reds baseball since 1869, so we have a lot to cover!
Freaking Out About WorkListen to this podcast about everything related to work, whether you are a minimum wage worker, white collar employee, or high level executive. Your rights and responsibilities on the job, current issues and trends in the workplace, and answers in each episode to questions faced by every employee from time to time, from unemployment compensation to wrongful treatment on the job to post-employment restrictions on your ability to work in your line of business. Most episodes will feature experts in the field!
Sponsored by Freking Myers & Reul |
The Real Employee HandbookHave you ever looked at your company's employee handbook and had questions about your rights instead of all the company's rules and policies? Do you really know the rules for workplace survival and success? Have you ever had a question about what your rights are when looking for job, while you have been on the job, of after you have lost a job? This is your REAL employee handbook - it tells you what your boss will not tell you. This book is written by a lawyer with over 30 years of experience counseling employees about every day issues that arise in American workplaces, and is largely a collection of common questions and answers, ranging from the very basic - What can a prospective employer ask me? - to the more challenging - what should I do if I receive unfair discipline or suspect I am going to be fired? - to the ultimate - should I call a lawyer (and how do I find a good one)? A great gift for people entering the workforce! While you may have been given an employee handbook by an employer, this book is the real handbook that you need to succeed.
ABA Consumer Guide to Employee RightsAlthough a job is a huge part of most people’s lives, few people fully understand the rules that define their employment or know their options when the relationship with their employer sours. This book covers issues such as job security and termination issues; discrimination; job applicant rights; harassment; privacy at work; whistleblower rights; and when to hire an attorney. It will answer questions such as:
What rights do I have in the workplace? Can I be fired without warning? Am I entitled to overtime pay even if I am paid a salary? What are my rights if I think I am the victim of discrimination? Written by a top employment attorney, this book will help employees understand their rights and what to do if those rights are violated. |